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Craft Show Display | Dayton Autumn Celebration

We had a beautiful fall-y day for the 40th annual Dayton Days craft show! Hundreds of thousands of people came out to this event and filled the streets of small-town Dayton:

Dayton Days 2019

Along with my products, this was the debut appearance of Pleasant View Woodworks' furniture business (my dad), so we had vinyl banners printed and hung for the occasion, along with my various signs proclaiming SOAP was for sale, to catch a distant buyer's eye. Here's our completed 10' x 30' booth spread:

Pleasant View Woodworks and Pleasant View Soaps

Here are we are together, ready to start the long but enjoyable day of (hopefully) selling our handmade wares and gaining exposure with potential local customers:

Pleasant View Woodworks and Pleasant View Soaps

The beautiful arched wall mirror and Shaker-style end table had many admirers:

Pleasant View Woodworks furniture

There were several styles of cutting boards on display, too:

Pleasant View Woodworks cutting board

My Pleasant View Soaps portion of our shared space was fun to arrange, and it all brought back memories of being a vendor at the farmers' market back in 2012-2015:

Pleasant View Soaps

The many varied scents of soap wafted out to the passers-by and beckoned them to enter our stall!

Pleasant View Soaps Dayton Days booth

Here is a bright garden scene along the residential streets of Dayton:

Dayton Va

And another vendor was selling fresh-baked pumpkin rolls:

Dayton Va pumpkin rolls

The field across from our booth was quite the popular location! The reason being it was a field full of sunflowers, and everyone was invited by the owner to pick for free....loads of people of all ages took him up on the offer, and sunflowers were the theme of the day! Almost everyone passing by throughout the day carried armfuls of the golden flowers.

It was a full day of activity! We were thankful for the opportunity to participate again this year and share our talents with the public.

Pleasant View Soaps Staunton VA


Greetings, I'm Hannah, soapmaker at Pleasant View Soaps.

Welcome to the blog, and thanks for following along!

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